Management system Project 


Project-oriented organizations have always faced many problems to manage their contracts, and summarizing, following up and preparing management reports and obtaining comprehensive and complete information on the current projects of the organization has been a very difficult and time-consuming task for the managers of these organizations. Merp project management system is designed and implemented by defining the processes and facilities used in project management with the aim of collecting and organizing information in a project, which project managers can use to collect, standardize and distribute information. Use in a precise and regular way to get the best result in planning, time management, implementation and project completion process

  • Ability to define project structure, work breakdown structure and project activities
  • The possibility of determining the access level of people on each of the components of the project structure
  • The possibility of scheduling the project
  • Ability to reschedule
  • The possibility of assigning project milestones (Milestone)
  • The possibility of planning material requirements for each project
  • The possibility of assigning the project to people with a certain level of access
  • The possibility of creating a request to receive the services required by the project
  • Possibility of cost planning
  • Cost allocation to different parts of the project
  • Ability to plan income
  • The possibility of project budgeting and cost control
  • Ability to analyze and calculate the profit and loss of the project
  • Ability to define, register and manage changes
  • Integration with the systems of material requirements, supply chain, production, contractor unit, etc
  • Ability to define and manage project problems and crises
  • Create a person/hour report of people and tasks involved in the project
  • Create a report of the project structure
  • Creating reports from project documentation
  • Create a report on the percentage of project progress
  • Create a report on project resources and capacities