Management Marketing and sales
The sales and marketing management system is one of the main needs of every company and organization, because the consistent progress of every organization depends on its optimal sales activity, which requires efficient tools to maintain the competitiveness of goods and services and raise the level of sales in this field. Optimizing the process Sales through the optimal definition of processes and the type of communication of activities and control of all factors affecting profitable sales is an essential need for sales units. Through the sales system, Merp is fully flexible with other units, especially the accounting units, warehouse, contracts and implementation of sales processes. And finally, it will lead to the improvement of the performance of the sales unit in the first degree and the whole organization in the next degrees

Sales unit facilities
- Defining customers, sellers and marketers and sales and delivery centers
- Unlimited grouping of customers, sellers and marketers
- Definition of sales types and use in sales invoices and other sales documents
- Real-time customer warehouse control
- Definition of various increasing and decreasing factors such as tolls, insurance and...
- Grouping of services and use in sales documents
- Defining specific sales procedures and processes and the possibility of connecting processes with other systems such as accounting, warehousing, contracts and
- The possibility of grouping goods and services for sale
- The ability to define suppliers as customers without the need to re-enter and duplicate information
- The possibility of attaching text, video, audio, etc. documents in the form of files for each customer, product and service
- Determining the credit conditions (limit, date, returned checks, etc.) and the method of calculating the credit of each customer and controlling it at the time of issuing documents.
- Sales according to the sensitivity and needs of the organization and viewing the account balance at the time of issuing sales documents
- Ability to view the latest credit and payment status of the customer based on the documents issued in the system in real time
- Ability to group customers
- Defining customer account groups and assigning customers to each account group
- The possibility of defining sales areas and assigning customers to the area
- Defining sales marketing and allocating them to different areas
- View records of sales documents for each customer individually
- Determining the display status of prices in sales centers
- The possibility of changing the price of goods or services from sales documents according to the conversion factor of the counting unit of goods or services
- The possibility of registering fixed deductions and additional costs according to the type of sale with the possibility of assigning a calculation formula
- Ability to define receiving methods for sales
- The possibility of connecting to the online store and integration with the online sales and registration system
- Issuance of sales documents, sales return, sales order, sales contract using different parameters
- Communication of the sales and marketing system in an integrated and instant manner
- Defining geographic areas and using the sales and marketing system based on the above for marketers, sellers and...
- Entering and calculating commissions for marketers and sellers
- The possibility of determining the goods that can be used for sale
- Ability to define services for sale.
- The possibility of registering price analysis parameters and analysis methods to analyze contract prices, sales invoices, etc.
- Ability to assign price analyzes to contracts or sales invoices
- The possibility of defining belongings specifically for each item (product) or in general for a product category and using it when issuing sales documents.
- The possibility of defining awards specifically for each item (product) or in general for a product category and using it at the time of issuing sales documents.
- Defining the level of access of users to authorized warehouses
- Ability to group attachments and assign attachments to sales documents
- The possibility of issuing documents according to organizational departments and access levels
- Establishing complete integration with the warehouse system and warehouse accounting, financial accounting and contracts
- The possibility of registering a proforma invoice for the sale of goods or services requested by the customer
- The possibility of registering a contract for the sale of goods and services with all the details (advance payment, value added tax (if needed), surcharges, etc.)
- The possibility of registering the order for the sale of goods or services requested by the customer
- The possibility of converting one or more pre-sales invoices into a sales order or sales contract
- The possibility of mechanized transfer of goods delivery requests according to the invoice, order and sales contract to the warehouse system
- The possibility of defining purchase services as sales services without the need to re-enter and duplicate information
- The possibility of grouping goods and sales services based on the needs of the organization.
- The possibility of registering all types of product packaging.
- The possibility of registering the sale of goods and services.
- The possibility of registering and determining the delivery locations of the sold goods.
- The possibility of defining various methods of transporting goods.
- The possibility of registering the information of companies that operate in the field of goods transportation.
- The possibility of registering customer information and their delivery addresses.
- The possibility of maintaining information on all orders and production contracts and providing services and sales of goods and sales planning
- Instant control and announcement of ready-to-sell inventory as well as ready-to-sell inventory and unfulfilled commitments automatically
- The possibility of outputting in various formats, including CSV, PDF, Word, Excel, etc.
- Sales invoice report and their items
- Report of sales contracts and their items
- Report of sales orders and their items
- Report of sales delivery requests and their items
- Report of sales invoices and their items
- Report overcharges and invoice deductions
- Report of return authorizations from sales and their items
- Report of sales components, return receipts from sales and their items
- Product sales report
- Sales reports to customers
- Periodic sales report of products
- Periodic sales report to customers
- Debt report to customers
- Other customized features of your organization

Marketing unit facilities
- Define unlimited customers, sellers and marketers
- Communication of the sales and marketing system in an integral and instant manner
- Defining geographic areas and using the sales and marketing system based on the above for marketers, sellers, etc.
- Entering and calculating commissions of marketers and sellers
- The possibility of defining sales marketers and assigning them to different regions
- The possibility of determining the exact location and time of presence of marketers using the location system
- Determining the information required for marketers to market target units
- Assigning daily tasks to marketers and monitoring the performance of the marketing unit in real time
- Complete and accurate and diverse reports of marketers' performance
- Other facilities you need for marketing and management of marketers and...